Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cider Mill Fun

This past Sunday Levi took his first trip to the Cider Mill. He had a lot of fun picking apples, eating donuts, and looking at pumpkins with mom, dad, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Marnie, and cousin Maya. He really enjoyed eating an apple so it looks like we've found something else this kid likes to eat. Enjoy the pictures!!

Either trying to give Cousin Maya a hug or flip her over...hard to tell.

Levi is happy, Maya is frightened.

Uncle Ryan and Aunt Marnie showed us how to pick apples.

Family photo.

This was the only picture out of about 20 where Levi was close to looking at the camera.

Taking a big bite out of his new favorite food.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Enjoying the Outdoors and Bath Time

Levi has really been enjoying the outdoors lately. He likes when mom and dad help him climb our tree, and of course he loves playing in the leaves and with all of Prince's toys.

Enjoying being up in the tree.

Prince the bully likes to steal whatever Levi has in his hands.

Umm, could you not put the dog's toys in your mouth Levi? Thanks.

And when he's done playing outside, Levi enjoys a good bath. In fact, he has begun throwing a tantrum when we take him out of the bath. We've captured some of the good bath moments on video for your enjoyment. Don't worry, Courtney kept the camera above waist level so the video is rated PG.